Questions & Answers

Does this initiative include all language groups?

Absolutely! This is an initiative for our entire church.

What if we don’t raise it all?

As we move along raising funds, we will re-evaluate over time. There are adjustments that can be made to our plan depending on what God provides.

Why is the price so high?

Building costs are high. And so is inflation. But we believe that God will provide what he wishes to provide!

How do the milestones work?

We’ve built into the overall goal smaller projects to allow for us to make needed improvements as we’re raising funds along the way. These will also allow for some movement over time as we’re raising funds. When we reach each milestone, we will move forward with these smaller projects!

Why do we need more space?

We are growing! The number of kids and adults attending on Sunday mornings have increased consistently over the last few years. Without more space, we will be limiting our potential for ministry to kids and adults on Sunday mornings. The available space for different ministries in our facilities is not yet balanced. In other words, we have enough space in our main sanctuary for close to 1000 people, but not near enough space for the number of small groups and children that would come along with those 1,000 attending worship.

Where will we check in kids in the new building?

The plans for the new space include a 600 square foot for the Kids Check-In. This will include a spot for guests to check-in their kids, and also multiple other stations for regular attenders to check in their kids on ipads. In other words, this new space will make traffic much more manageable!

If this plan proves too large to accomplish, what will happen?

We have built into our plans flexible adjustments that can be made. If we do not raise enough funds within a reasonable amount of time, we can make adjustments to bring costs down. If we bring in more, we have improvements we can make as well!

Why won’t this come out of the budget?

Our yearly budget is for regular, weekly ministry, facility upkeep, and personnel. We will likely beginning devoting some budget dollars to this Initiative, but the overall project is too large to pull from our yearly budget, especially as we continue to see ministry growth!

How much is each part of the project?

$100k elevator to youth area

$100k- school partnerships

$160k- renovating bathrooms

$160k- church transportation and park upgrades

$280k- student ministry renovations

$9.2m- Building expansion

How long will it take to raise our goal?

This will likely take us several years. But we are praying that God provide sooner rather than later!

Will we go into debt for this project?

Our goal is to devote zero or as close to zero general budget dollars to debt for this project.

Will there be enough exits in the new building?

Yes, the new space will have multiple one-way exits for safety purposes.

Will inflation and other rising costs make it hard to raise funds for multiple years?

We have a plan with the Southern Baptists of Texas Foundation to keep all funds invested in low risk funds, so as to help us keep up with inflation and potential rising costs of construction (as much as possible).

Is this a good time to be trying to raise money?

We are in a strong trajectory of financial growth as a church over the last several years. No matter the economy, we feel led to start raising funds now, especially with the needs we have and growth we’re seeing.

Did the church vote on the smaller projects?

Raising funds for smaller projects don’t usually invite a church vote. We voted on the kids ministry & fellowship space expansion because it is such a large project.

Are we including the student ministry in this initiative?

Yes! One of the projects included is a complete renovation of our student ministry area, as well as an elevator to the youth area for disabled students.

Are there creative ways we can raise money to help us reach our goal?

Yes. We are actively researching ways to raise money. But we also know that most of these funds will need to come from the generosity of individuals.

Would we ever sell land to offset some of these costs?

We don’t want to give up land, but there is a possibility of leasing out property like we have done with the Park and Ride. We plan to retain ownership of all land, and per our bylaws, any sale of land would require a church-wide vote.

How can we find out more?

You can browse this website, and you can also visit the Initiative Hub in the sanctuary foyer. There you will find a 24-page booklet with details, among other items.

How can we give?

You can give with cash, check, or online! There are “Generation to Generation” envelopes available in the church foyer, or you can choose the “Building Fund- Generation to Generation” option when giving online at